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Location: Bangalore, India

comfortable in my own skin

Monday, January 14, 2013


You cannot believe in God until you believe in yourself. - Swami Vivekananda

My belief system has been severely shaken up in the last couple of weeks.
Ever since I took the decision to spend a year in sabbatical, there have been really some illuminating conversations.... And a few epiphanies if I may...

Some friends are openly sceptical of the path, while others have been quiet supportive... But what struck me most was how so many of us derive our self worth by how much we earn.

Is that all there is to it, then? So long as you provide well for your near and dear ones, and for yourself, it doesn't matter whether you truly believe in something... You are borne along comfortably till your death by societal (and familial) sanction & approval.

And the lie perpetuates itself. 

Thursday, January 03, 2013

Daily notes

Starting 2013, I want to note down the top 3 things that I felt good about everyday.

Some background :

I have quit my job with IBM (on Dec 31st) and am serving my notice period now. Have been working in a cubicle for the last 12 years and felt that the time was ripe to get my ass out and see what opportunities life has to throw at me...
This exercise of keeping a daily journal and writing 3 good things everyday is an idea that I have borrowed from a TED talk by Shawn Achor :