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comfortable in my own skin

Friday, July 15, 2005


Batman s girlfrnd tells him in the latest batman flick - How true...
its taken me a couple of hundred centuries to realise this simple but profound truth ....
My girl friend often used to tell me this - albeit in different words n we used to have heated arguments abt it... I would not budge from my stance that wht you ARE underneath is what mks you a contented, successfull-in-ur-own-terms person...
i ve realised tht striving too hard to achieve something good is NOT a bad thing - that effort to reward ratio is one of the most misguided concepts that ever possessed me - infact, it was this rationale that stopped me from actuallly trying for anything too hard and settle for whtever little success came my way.
Cant really put a finger on what made me change this view of mine - it musta been a series of events - or my gf might ve been a more successfull "nagger" than i realised - what ever be the reason, oflate i ve felt tht its the satisfaction of trying really hard to succeed that matters rather than the joy of success itself....
n im seeing it in action too - busting ur ass over a problem n finally overcoming it is much more sweeter than jus gliding over it n succeeding by chance!

Thursday, July 07, 2005

One Square foot of Sky

Its 3.00 in the evening, i am in office early and my team mates havnt come in yet - i happen to look out of my cubicle - n surprise! I can c a wee bit of the open sky from where i sit - y hvnt i noticed it b4? The cleaning guy probably forgot to pull down the blinds.
Well - how it got to b tht way is not wht i wanna talk abt. What really surprises me is the effect of this small change in my daily routine - i feel like ive experienced something so radically different, so refreshingly beautiful, something terribly personal and touching - it has infused LIFE into my normally insipid work day.
I see a bird fly outside and my thoughts soar high with it - i have started my work but keep glancing out every few seconds and my work seems to get done by itself, without me having to WORK on it!
I see dark clouds and the tips of tress swaying in the wind and I think of all the pleasant evenings by the beach at Pondicherry and my work finishes itself much ahead of schedule...
Its only 5.30 in the evening n im already done for the day. What a relief!
My team mates have started coming in and i hurriedly pull down the blinds. Dont want them to compete for MY square foot of the Sky. Dont want to share !
its MINE, i discovered the sky and I plan to keep it tht way! ;-)