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Location: Bangalore, India

comfortable in my own skin

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Living on the Edge

IF YOU ARE NOT LIVING ON THE EDGE YOU ARE OCCUPYING TOO MUCH SPACE - some wise person said in the good old days.
But what is the EDGE? WHERE is the edge? I was seeing vijay ganesh s blog page today - he s bought himself a Ducati 999 and seems to going trekking regularly. Is that living on the edge?
Of late I ve realised that I keep thinking of exciting things to do - but never get around to doing them. Is it laziness or serendipity? what right do I have to complain about the inspidness of my life?

I get drunk evry weekend and normally have an good time ( watching 6-8 movies, reading 2 books and pubbing out in case you are wondering ) isnt that living on the edge enuff?
then why do i have this feeling of running round in circles looking for --- what? I dont even know what I am looking for - its just an empty feeling of running around in circles.